Prizes and awards
2011: Commendatore dell'Ordine "al Merito della Repubblica Italiana"
1999: Bernheim de Villers Prize, International Society of Fine Arts, Paris.
1999: Prix d'Honneur of the French speaking Press, SNBA The Louvre Carrousel, Paris
1999: Vermeil Medal of the City of Paris
1998: Médaille de Vermeil de l'Association "Arts, Sciences et Lettres"
1997: Gold Medal - Enghien-les-Bains
1996: He exhibits regularly in Japan
Chosen at the Grand Palais by the Nippon Television Network; he exhibits regularly in Japan under the patronage of the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Ministry for Cultural Affairs, and the French Embassy in Tokyo. Museums and Cultural Centres: Tokyo, Tottori, Fukuoka, Osaka, Nagoya, etc.
1993: First Prize of the City of Tours, The Loire School, Gold Medal
1991: Grand Prix Animalier, Prix Rumsay SNBA, Grand-Palais, Paris Biennale France-Japan
1982: Created Honorary Citizen of Talamello, Italy
1967: Cavaliere dell'Ordine della Stella della solidarietà italiana
Destinatari: italiani all'estero e stranieri
Finalità: ricompensare quanti abbiano specialmente contribuito alla ricostruzione dell'Italia nel primo dopoguerra
Conferimento: Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica su proposta del Ministro degli Affari Esteri
1960: Prix du Portrait, Galerie Bernheim Jeune, Paris
1956: First New York Prize, Duncan Gallery New York and Paris
1955: Salon des Indépendants
Affiliated member to: Salon des Indépendants, Salon d’Automne, Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts, Salon du Dessin et de la Peinture à l’eau (Grand Palais, Paris)