Towards the spectre of the sun

"The object dominated by the monochromatic line of the sun always marks a triple reverberation: the dominant solar light, that part of the object which is highlighted and that part which is in shadow.
I do not want to transform nature which is so perfect right down to its imperfections, but nor do I copy it slavishly. I want to recreate a different world, sunlit in my own way."

Fernado Gualtieri

The wounded bird

The wounded bird

1966. Oil painting, 33 cm x 41 cm. - Gualtieri Museum, Talamello (RN) Italy

Light on the Haggada

Light on the Haggada

1970. Oil painting, 53 cm x 73 cm. - Gualtieri Museum, Talamello (RN) Italy

The Tzigane Violin

The Tzigane Violin

1974/75. Oil painting, 111 cm x 144 cm. - Gualtieri Museum, Talamello (RN) Italy

Golden Light

Golden Light

1975. Oil painting, 80 cm x 64 cm.
Collection of Mr and Mrs Bonnerot, Paris.

MUSEO GUALTIERI "Lo Splendore del Reale"

Piazza Saffi - 47867 Talamello (RN)
Tel. 0541 920036 / 0541 922893
ID-lab: creazione siti internet Novafeltria (Rimini)